Do you remember those cute "Metta's Magnets" we made back in June?
Well this, dear friends, is Metta.
She is a good friend and an excellent crafter. This week she came in person to teach the mermaids how to embroidery.

First she pulled out all of these wonderful fabrics for the girls to choose from. How fun is that!
Then the girls drew a shape that they wanted to embroider.

Metta helped the orange mermaid learn to stitch. She was thrilled. It was at this moment that she exclaimed, "THIS IS A FUN CRAFT!"

The blue mermaid chose to draw a star.
The red mermaid decided on a heart,
...and the orange mermaid decided to make an "N."
The mermaids were so excited to stitch their shape with REAL needles and REAL thread and REAL embroidery hoops. It was almost as if they were REAL colonial girls stitching samplers.
(Probably because the day before I told her she was too young for needles.)
Concentration in the room was so thick you could poke it with a needle.
By the way, Metta's charming mer-baby came as well.
This is her, chillin' on my bed:
After the girls finished embroidering the shapes, (and no one's eyes got poked out,) Metta and I sewed the girls' stitchings on to a larger piece of fabric.
Then we tacked them with some other pieces that Metta had cut out and made
Here are the finished bags :
(Metta's example is the one with the "M".)
Sew fun. Sew cute. Sew Metta.
Thank you!