Last week the mermaids' cousin Q came to visit and he introduced them to the wonderful world of duct tape. He is a duct tape master and he demonstrated his abilities by making several amazing creations, including a duct tape hammock inside the mermaids' treehouse (mermaids like hammocks!). Q has also made hats, wallets, shoes, boats and many other items. Q has left our home, but his spirit of inginuity has remained and the mermaids are making their own duct tape creations, including some that I am pretty sure that even the amazing Q hasn't yet attempted.
These, for instance:
The red mermaid will demonstrate for us how it is done.
First, pull out two long strips of duct tape and lay them, sticky side up, on your work surface, over lapping one over the other,
like this:
Then, take a third piece and lay it, sticky side down, in the center of the first two.
Fold the exposed sticky edges over.
Trim the edges. Now you should have a thick, floppy strip of duct tape with no sticky side. This is your "ribbon."

This is how it should look when you've folded it correctly.
Now for securing the bow to the barrette. There are no glue guns needed for this craft! Why use glue when you've got duct tape?
Cut a small, narrow piece of duct tape. This will hold your bow together and it will also hold the bow to the barrette.

With the extra, carefully tuck it and wrap it around the barrette, securing it, and making sure to keep everything straight and neat.
All done.
Duct tape: versatile, useful, creative, strong,
and pretty.
Thanks, Q!