I told the mermaids that we were making a pizza for our craft this week and you would have thought I had told them we were going to burn all their toys.

You see, my girls hate pizza, a fact which used to turn every birthday party they were invited to into an absolute tragedy. But as they get older, they are getting better at declining the pizza with a polite, "No thank you. I don't eat pizza."
This, however, gives the impression to the other parents at the party that Mormons don't eat pizza, which of course is not true. Unless the pizza is laced with coffee, tea leaves, alcohol or ecstasy, that is.

You can imagine the relief on my girls' faces when I told them that we were going to making
fruit pizza. Ahh...the world has righted itself again. Now this was something they could handle.

I have a wonderful recipe that I discovered years ago which was instrumental in getting my husband to fall in love with me,

and, because you were so nice to stop by and read my blog, I will share it with you.
Fruit Pizza
1 c. marg/butter
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. almond extract
2 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cream of tartar
Mix butter, sugar, egg, vanilla and almond extract. Cream. Add all other ingredients. Press into the bottom of a pizza pan or cookie sheet. Bake 375 for 12 minutes.
Pizza "Sauce":
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 c. cool whip
1 1/2 powdered sugar
Blend together and spread on cooled crust. Top with fruit (berries, mandarine oranges, pineapple etc.)
PS While watching the credits after the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie I saw that the mermaid (the not-so-scary one) was named Syrena, and spelled the same way as I spell my daughter's name. I did a little research (i.e. googled) and found that there is a legend in Poland about a mermaid who wielded a sword and shield and protected the city of Warsaw. The mermaid's name was Syrena, and there is a bronze statue of her in the middle of the city. Who knew?